Philipp M. Lutscher

Philipp M. Lutscher

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Oslo


I am an assistant professor/postdoctoral fellow in the Emergence, Life, and Demise of Autocratic Regimes (ELDAR) project at the University of Oslo and a non-resident fellow at the Digital Democracy Lab as part of the Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich.

Most of my current research deals with the question of how modern day authoritarian governments control and shape information and how citizens and affected organizations respond to such efforts. I am especially interested in cyber operations (see my dissertation), online censoring, propaganda and indoctrination. In newer research, I became increasingly interested to what extent these and other information control strategies are also used in democracies.

My general research interests include political communication, comparative politics, peace and conflict studies, and quantitative methods.

My research has been published in the British Journal of Political Science, Political Science Research and Methods, the Journal of Conflict Resolution, and Journal of Peace Research, among others.

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Download my CV.

  • Communication and Information Technology
  • Authoritarian Regimes
  • Contentious Politics
  • Quantitative Methods
  • PhD in Political Science, 2020

    University of Konstanz, Germany

  • MSc in Conflict Resolution, 2016

    University of Essex, United Kingdom

  • MA in Politics and Public Administration, 2016

    University of Konstanz, Germany

  • BA in Politics and Public Administration, 2014

    University of Konstanz, Germany


  • philipp.lutscher[at]
  • University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1097 Blindern, Oslo, 0317